For the final installment of the “Science of the Side Hustle” series, I speak with Dale Hines – an IT professional whose photography hobby grew into Dash-Anthony Photography!
We spoke about:
- the importance of feedback and being able to share ideas with other entrepreneurs (we mentioned Sade` from the very first installment of the series)
- the secret to his success: “word of mouth” and referrals
- what it means to be a side hustle entrepreneur
Finding what feels true to you, what you’re passionate about and what motivates you to keep going is essential to the success of any business, but Dale goes into a few other essentials we may have overlooked.
Listen to the final episode in the “Science of the Side Hustle” series and leave a comment to let us know what you think.
To connect with Dale:
– Follow Dash-Anthony Photography on INSTAGRAM
– Check out the WEBSITE