If you’ve been interacting with our content for a while then you’ll know we spend a lot of time talking and writing about manifestation and creating your own reality … and this is exactly what Lauren did !
In 2019 Lauren took a chance on herself and a pretty huge leap of faith to start a company (well, now two companies) doing something that nobody had ever heard about before. In this open, honest and truly inspiring conversation she talks about the good, bad and in between of the great successes and sacrifices of entrepreneurship.
Lauren gives practical advice on how to chart your own path, even when there is no blueprint and implores all of us to follow our hearts and we will be surprised where it leads us. At the end she shares 5 ways we can quell our fears and take that leap of faith. I needed to hear this, maybe you do too.
Also, check out this Forbes Magazine article on Lauren and her first company, Tink Media.
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