Let’s pack it in, this blog post is over. Just kidding 😁.

If you haven’t asked yourself this question, at least a few times for the year…then you’re lying to yourself or perhaps you really have found the right job for you (in which case… congrats! 🎉).
Well, do you really hate your job?
Many people believe the moment you ask this question you should be packing your little cardboard box with the contents of your desk; but this is really a time for reflection. Asking yourself this question, really keeps you on your toes. It allows you to identify the areas you think you’ve outgrown; areas you need to stretch yourself in; and allows you to identify whether you’re still feeling challenged by your work.
A number of factors can contribute to ill-feelings toward your job. It could just be that the job isn’t challenging anymore; it could be that you’re working in a toxic environment; you don’t feel valued; their policies don’t match up with your beliefs; and the list could go on forever.
Research by found that in 2016 only 29% of Millennials felt engaged at work while 16% were actively disengaging (they were basically setting out to do damage to the company…yikes!); and a whopping (I hate this word, but I want to be dramatic 🙃) 55% of millennials did not feel engaged at their current place of employment.
Why do we feel this lack of commitment, lack of engagement…this boredom with our current employment?
The Passion vs Loyalty game
In the podcast series – The Science of the Side Hustle – all the millennials interviewed spoke about their passion for their side hustle craft and the added hours they put in everyday (after their 9 to 5). So, we cannot say Millennials are lazy, or that they don’t want to work hard. They are putting in 20-hour days to do something they are passionate about; so why is the level of commitment different for your day-time job?
Our parents and those who worked diligently before us pretty much applied for a job, knowing that this was possibly the job they would have for life. I have a family member who celebrated 50 years of service before his retirement. It’s almost like signing your life away. Jobs had one function – to provide an income that would be used to look after your family. Now that the world is a more technology-driven place, and people generally don’t have to do as much manual labour. Working is much more about joy and passion now than survival.

So because of this, we’re less likely to put up with a job we hate… a job that is no longer enjoyable; a job that makes you miserable. It’s really about whether it allows you the growth and development that you’re seeking.
I am aware that having a job is always better than not having one; or rather (more accurately) the income from a job is better than not having an income. However, we are more willing to risk {unfulfilling but secure) employment for happiness than any generation prior.
As reported in Forbes magazine, the 2018 Millennial Survey conducted by Deloitte found that: “43% of Millennials plan to quit their current job within two years. Only 28% plan to stay in their current role for more than five years”.
It goes on to say that:
“good pay and positive corporate cultures are most likely to attract both Millennials and Gen Z, but the keys to keeping them happy are diversity, inclusion and flexibility. However, survey respondents believe that most business leaders are not committed to developing inclusive cultures. To respondents, diversity can include tolerance, inclusiveness, openness, respect, different ways of thinking, or simply, differences”.
Millennials want to know that their loyalty to this company will benefit them in the long run. If that’s not good pay along with personal development; peace of mind; and a good work environment then…I guess we’ll move on to another opportunity.
Is your job the right fit?
Now, do you hate your job? Maybe it’s just not the right fit, but how will you know?
- Take notice of how you feel in the mornings, especially while getting reading for work
- Ask yourself what you like to do, try doing that (part-time; or volunteering); compare how you feel doing this with how you feel at work
- Assess how you feel at the end of every week
- How has your attitude been at work? Is the quality of your output falling?
- Read the job description for a job you would prefer to have and compare it with your current job description
Then you make the decision : are the deficits worth leaving for? Can they be filled if you have a talk with your supervisor? Do you hate your job?