by: Amanda Richey

Knowing yourself is important, but we often struggle with really understanding what makes us tick. We may understand what music we like, what food makes us happy, if we prefer dogs or cats, but how do we really set about the work of understanding ourselves, or others for that matter? By understanding the basic fabric of You: your unique mix of strengths and weaknesses that makes up your basic temperament or personality type.
“Understanding the personalities is the first step in understanding people. If we can’t see the innate difference in others and accept them as they are, we will think everyone not like us is at least slightly irregular. When we understand temperaments, we begin to see why opposites attract. We learn that for a family to have a variety of temperament traits provides a variety of activities and interests.”
– Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself p. 64, Florence Littauer

The Four Personality Types
- Expressive — Relationship Extrovert
- Analytical — Fact-Based Introvert
- Driver — Fact-Based Extrovert
- Amiable — Relationship Introvert
Expressives are often the life of the party, positive and optimistic, a bit absent minded, and a little messy and disorganized. Always volunteering for things and planning fun events but not always following through. Expressives have a very colourful memory, are very talkative, and love to tell stories, sometimes with embellishments. They have lots of friends and everyone wants to be around them. They are natural entertainers. They are often wide-eyed and innocent and very emotional, but in an expressive and explosive way. They gesture, move, wave, and wiggle a lot. Expressives are often curious and don’t want to miss out on anything. They inspire and attract others and they make and have LOTS of friends. They are often creative and thrive on compliments.
Analyticals set long term goals and stick to routines and tasks until complete. They are perfection oriented and often this stops them from completing tasks. The are deep a soulful and very emotional, but unlike Expressives, their emotions tend towards moodiness and brooding. Analyticals are not quick to speak, but slowly and deliberately come up with answers. They are talented and creative. Often musicians. Analyticals love lists, charts, graphs, and figures. They are not fans of emotional or dramatic things or people (they struggle with Expressives)- just the facts ma’am. They are often focused on little things, like how to properly load a dishwasher. There is only one correct way to do things in their mind. They are very detail oriented and are avid planners. Analyticals are very good at keeping track of details and are very orderly and always organized and usually well dressed and meticulously groomed. They have very high standards for themselves and others. They have a deep concern for other people’s needs, make friends cautiously, but are loyal and thus have a few close and faithful friends.
Drivers are always achieving and succeeding. They are easy to understand and get along with as long as you do it their way. They are optimistic and outgoing like Expressives and often share this as a secondary trait. They are often in charge, as natural leaders. They are very competitive. In times of crisis Drivers take charge. They are compulsive and must change things that are out of place and right any wrongs. Drivers have a strong ability to make decisions. People are often offended by Drivers and they are not always popular because they are bossy and always right. They love to fix everyone else’s problems. They naturally see the practical answers. They are always more interested in achieving a goal than pleasing others, and they often dole out orders and organize.
Is this my final form?
Amiables are the great mediators between the other three personality types. They help everyone to realize that it doesn’t really matter! Flexible and happy where they are. Humble and never wanting to stand out. They don’t like to think too far ahead and like to take things slow and easy. They never want to rock the boat so they will go along with the status quo. They are often not overwhelmed by emotion and can move calmly through a crisis and can be counted on to hold their tongue and be patient, even when provoked. Pessimistic but not overwhelmed and depressed by it like an Analytical, just realistic. They make great administrators because they don’t rock the boat and are great mediators. They often have many friends because they are calm, pleasant, and great listeners.
Everyone has a dominant personality and a secondary personality. Not all of the traits listed for each will fit with you because you will have a unique blend of both your dominant and secondary personality. Once you understand your dominant and secondary personality type you can begin to look at the strengths and weaknesses associated with those temperaments and take stock of the key weaknesses and strengths that you possess to harness them to your advantage.
For more information on your unique strengths and weaknesses, click here
Bio: I am Amanda. I am a Gutsy Life Coach for High Achieving Women who want to take it to the next level in life. I like to say I am their kick in the butt. I decided to become a professional butt kicker (life coach) when I realized that what I needed was someone to get me off my butt feeling sorry for myself and get me being/acting/living the life I was meant to live: The Gutsy Life.