You’ve seen these lists before, and you’ve probably rolled your eyes at them because it’s a list of hits and misses. A list of things that might work, or might not work, and probably just clickbait. Do people still say clickbait, or do I just sound really old now? Yikes.
Anyway, this list of things that actually work is not like any of those other lists you’ve seen because we’ve backed each of these with personal experience and science (well, maybe a loose concept of science – it’s article we’ve found on the internet from mostly medical sources, which support that these things work. We acknowledge that these articles may not show us the full picture). With all disclaimers observed, let’s get into these list of things:
1. Face roller
You’re probably rolling your eyes. But it’s true! Face rollers actually work. While they may not change the shape of your face forever, they can contour the face and drain fluids. So it will help you to get rid of puffy eyes in the morning, but will not necessarily replace an eye lift. You should be mindful of the proper way to roll your face just to make sure you’re not inadvertently reversing the progress. Face rollers may also help to relieve sinus issues and jaw pain and tension. Take a look at this healthline article about the benefits of face rolling for more detailed information.
2. Oil pulling
If you haven’t heard of oil pulling, it’s a folk remedy from India that involves swishing around organic oil (usually coconut, but if you have sensitivities you may use another oil like sesame or olive) in your mouth. Apart from keeping your oral health in check, it also has other benefits. It can also be used to relieve sinus pressure. Among the long list of benefits are: reducing bad breath, killing harmful bacteria in the mouth, helps to prevent cavities and improves gum health by reducing inflammation. Some studies also found that it whitened teeth, This Medical News Today article provides more insight on usage and benefits.
Take a tablespoon (or less, if it’s new to you then it may take some time to work up to it); swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes (again, it may take you some time to work up to that duration); then brush your teeth as usual.
3. 6-minute workouts
Exercise is one of those cumulative habits, so a 6-minute workout has immense value. Moving your body intentionally each day will encouage you to be more active throughout the day. New habits start with small, manageable changes…and hopefully we can all spare 6 minutes for a workout.
Chris Jordan, Director of Exercise Physiology at Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute and creator of the widely-known 7 Minute Workout. His research shows that even very small amounts of exercise, when carried out with intensity, can reap big fitness rewards.
If you’re going to be doing a 6 minute workout each day it would be useful to do a full-body combination so you’re hitting most muscle groups. Check out this New York Times article for three 6-minute workout videos you can start using today!

4. Morning routines
Putting it simply, morning routines help to set us up for success for the day. When we begin our day with a specific routine it already helps our mind to focus on those things that are within our control and set a manageable tone for the day. Stress is a major concern in the modern day workplace, creating a morning routine can help to reduce your stress – thus impacting your physical and emotional health (and also increases the chances of you having more good days). It can also inadvertently improve your relationships, boost your confidence and increase your productivity. Consider adding these journalling to your morning routine and check out these journal prompts. If you’re stuck in a rut about what to add to your morning routine, this VeryWell Mind article may provide some insights.
5. Affirmations
We’ve all had to give ourselves a good pep talk at some point or another. So we know the benefits of positive self-talk.
Neuroplasticity, or your brain’s ability to change and adapt to different circumstances throughout your life, offers a clue to help understand not only what makes affirmations work, but how to make them more effective.
When we repeat affirmations to ourselves we generally start to picture ourselves doing that activity and this activates the areas of the brain that would be stimulated by this activity, In a way it is preparing you to make this affirmation a reality. But, while it is good to say these affirmations each day, we should also be mindful that we should be actively working towards them. If you’re not sure where to start with affirmations, follow us on Instagram! We share a daily affirmation to our stories. Next time you repeat one to yourself though, remember that your intention is only as good as your action. For more on the benefits of affirmations, click here.
6. 10 minute breaks
You will not be more productive if you work through your break. In fact, doctors recommend taking a 10 minute break from your computer every hour. We’ve spoken about taking breaks and getting the rest you need quite a bit on here, so we’re just going to hit you with some facts from this LifeHack article:
- only one in three people say they take their lunch time
- one “microbreak” (any break between 30 second and 5 minutes) can improve mental acuity by an average of 13%
- if you’re staring at a computer screen for hours, a 15-second break every 10 minutes can reduce fatigue by 50%
- studies show that even a break of 1.5 minutes can increase productivity by 6%
Look for those gaps (or create some space) in your day for more frequent breaks. Look away from the computer, step away from the desk and take a little break. If anything it will only make you more productive.
7. Meditation
Meditation has many benefits. Some might say we’ve just scratched the surface with the benefits of meditation on the modern man. In this article one researcher referred to meditation as a way of taking care of our personal mental hygiene – in the same way we should floss everyday, we should meditate everyday.
Meditation and mindfulness induce a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Various studies demonstrate the practice can help relieve stress — as well as manage anxiety, reduce inflammation, and improve memory and attention, to boo
Some doctors have even been “prescribing” a meditation practice as an alternative to anti-depressants and blood pressure meditation (do not make these changes to your medication without speaking to a doctor). A meditative practice helps the brain to optimize how it uses resources. In as little as five days, participants who committed to a meditation practice in this study saw an improvement in their problem solving skills and capacity to pay attention , while also seeing a decrease in their stress levels.
8. Crying
Babies cry all the time, we may even sniffle here and there in our teenage years, but once we get to adulthood we suddenly feel like the tear ducts should dry up. :et those tears flow! You probably already know about the release you feel after a good cry, in addition to that crying can also help us restore emotional balance. When you’re incredibly happy or scared about something you may find that tears come to your eyes, it may be your body’s way of recovering from experiencing such a strong emotion. A benefit you might not have thought of is that crying detoxifies the body. Crying flushes out negative emotions and toxins our of the body, so whether you’re tearing up from a speck flying in your eye or if you just had a really heated argument, you’re removing unwelcome visitors. See a longer list of benefits here.
9. Evening routines
We’ve been hyper-focused on evening routines for young children, but they’re still very handy. Just like how a morning routine sets you up for the day, an evening routine helps you to wind down, quit those thoughts, and settle in for a good night’s sleep. Any combination of things you find relaxing or comforting can make up your evening routine. It might be great to start with some reflection and then perhaps a meditation practice. You get to decide how many minutes or hours in advance of your chosen bedtime you want to begin your evening routine, Limiting screen time and having a light snack or some tea before bed could also be features of your winding down process. Check out the Take Back My Evening template saved to our Instagram highlights or this Daily Routine pin. For more ideas on how to finalize an evening routine, click here.
10. Drinking water (and minding your business)
This should go without saying, but water is quite important to our overall bodily functions. Drinking water helps us to regulate our body temperature, flush bacteria from our bladders, aid in digestion, normalizes pressure, and so much more. When in doubt, increase your water intake! Now, take this with a grain of salt as there are some diseases or conditions, and even medication, that can cause you to retain water so it’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor or nutritionist about your water intake goals. We’ve heard that we should be drinking 4, 6, or even 8 cups of water a day but your water needs vary (not only based on the aforementioned criteria) due to your activities that day, the temperature and subjective characteristics like how much you sweat. According to this Harvard Health article you should drink 2-3 cups of water per hour on a hot day to avoid dehydration.
Remember to make healthy choices for you and your body! We would recommend consulting with your relevant health professionals before adopting any of these practices that will adversely affect your emotional and physical health.